Below is a roadmap for the semester. Note that this will inevitably change from the first day you access this course. However, whatever is listed below should be considered canon. Accordingly, you should visit this page frequently throughout the term.
As mentioned in the syllabus, the course is structured by topics; each week introduces a new topic. Moreover, every week is divided into four important sections that you should engage with: principles, applications, weekly writings, and assignments.
The class is structured in the following way: each week, you will have two readings - generally a “principles” first, then an “applications” second. Read the first reading for the Week under Course Content before our first meeting, and the second before our second meeting of the week. In either Tuesday or Thursday class, you’ll be given a prompt for your weekly writing, which is due at 11:59pm on Saturday (see assignments and the syllabus for more info.
Principles (): This page contains the readings for the topic. These pages should be read completely. Lectures are not an exact replication of the written content; on the contrary, the lectures are intended to keep you focused on the high-level ideas, while the readings are broader and more comprehensive. Accordingly, lectures are shorter than the (often quite lengthy) written content.
Applications (): This page the material that we will discuss in Thursday classes. In addition to teaching specific content, there are many more
code examples. These are intended as a useful reference to various functions that you will need when working on (nearly) weekly labs and your group project.Weekly Writings (): Weekly writings are due each week on Saturday at 11:59PM (eastern). Each week’s writing prompt is given during lecture either Tuesday or Thursday
Lab Assignments (): This page contains the instructions for the weekly lab (1–3 brief tasks) and for the two mini projects + final project. Labs are due by 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the following Monday. Labs are in addition to weekly writings and projects.
- Do everything on the principles () page before Tuesday
- Come to the lecture on Tuesday.
- While “in class” on Thursday, work through the applications () page
- Complete the weekly writing by Saturday - topic assigned in class, see assignments for details and template
- Complete the lab () by Monday.
- As needed, attend the lab hours hosted by the TA